Annual Governance Accountability Return

This is an Audit under the Annual Governance Accountability Return standards.
An Independent Auditor checks that the Parish Council is operating according to defined guidelines and that its financial transactions are in good order.


Notice Period of Public Rights
Summary of Your Rights
Certificate of Exemption
Internal Audit Report
Governance Statement
Accounting Statements
Risk Assessment
Internal Audit Report
Financial Transactions - please refer to sub menu End of Year


Summary of Your Rights
Notice Period of Public Rights
Certificate of Exemption
Annual Internal Audit Report
Annual Governance Statement
Accounting Statement
Financial Transactions
Comparison between 2021/2022 and 2022/2023
Explanation of Variation in Spending
Explanation of High Reserves


Audit Report
Accounting Statement Section 2
Certificate of Exemption
Governance Statement Section 1
Notice of Public Rights
Register of Assets
Risk Assessment
Parish Council Response to the Auditor


Audit Report
Parish Council Response to the Auditor
Accountability Instructions
Certificate of Exemption
Section 1
Section 2
Risk Assessment
Asset Register
Notice of Public Rights


Asset Register
Audit Report
Certificate of Exemption
Section 1
Section 2 
Notice of Public Rights
Risk Assessment


Annual Return
Internal Audit 1
Internal Audit 2
Certificate of Exemption


Annual Return


Annual Return
Annual Return Policy


Annual Return
Governance Statement