Welcome to Little Bardfield Parish
This website was created to record the Parish history, pass information to its residents and record the activities of the Parish Council.
It is not designed or intended to be an extension of Local Government.
To Navigate around the Website:
The website is best viewed on a pc or laptop but is also suitable for a tablet or mobile phone.
Click on any heading in the top menu to access more options and information.
Click on any text which is underlined to link directly to further information.
The Parish comprises three areas:
Little Bardfield Village,
Hawkspur Green Hamlet to its north and,
Oxen End Hamlet to its south.
Little Bardfield Parish is recorded in the Domesday Survey of 1086 whilst the Church dates from before 1046.
As at 2021, there were 118 domestic properties in the Parish.
The website menu has 8 headers.
All headers have sub menus with direct links to various subjects:
Home: This page
Overview: 23 sub menus
Parish Council: 11 sub menus
Finance: 4 sub menus including the Community Fund
History: 4 sub menus
News & Events: 2 sub menus.
- Directly under the main header is a calendar which lists current events by date and day.
- Sub menu Notices and Information gives more detail of an event.
- Sub menu Email Contact Groups applies to the separate areas of the Parish.
Organisations: 4 sub menus including the Emergency Response Plan
Commercial: 4 sub menus
Any additional information would be most welcome.
Likewise, if there are any errors or misrepresentation we would like to correct these.
Please forward any comment or information to the Parish Clerk at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The website designer is Simon Olney: https://www.electricwebsites.co.uk/
Website content is controlled and populated by Terry Cutmore