Little Bardfield Parish Council:

Represents the interests of the people living in Little Bardfield, Hawkspur Green and Oxen End.

It is an independent legally recognised Local Authority with no political affiliation.

It is separate from both Uttlesford District Council and Essex County Council.

It has powers, duties and responsibilities for the Parish and is managed by five Councilors who are elected every four years.  Ideally, candidates for election to be a Councilor will ensure that each of the three areas of the Parish is represented.

Information on each of the current Councilors is shown under "Who we Are".

The Council has an Administrator, the Parish Clerk, who is responsible for making sure the Council acts legally, manages the Council’s communications, records and assets.


For detailed information, please follow these links:

What We Do

Who We Are

Register of Interests

Meeting Dates & Agendas

Meeting Minutes


Documents & Policies

Uttlesford Reports & Correspondence

Essex Reports & Correspondence

Essex Highways